Want to watch the video that goes along with the post? Check it out here: https://youtu.be/kyF3feEtbPk


Data help businesses make decisions. image

Think about it:

Let's say that a company that sells products is consistenly losing customers for some reason. Will the company keep doing what it's doing and not change its methods? No. That company will probably try to found out the source of why less customers are buying its products. However, to do that, they need data. A table of all the purchases will likely tell the company one of its new products has negative reviews and is lowering its reputation. As a result, the company will probably either get rid of the new product or make improvements on it.

Tools such as Excel likely helped that company come to the conclusion because...

Gaining insights from large amounts of data is very easy with Excel

With its beginner-friendly interface, Excel has many built-in features that help organize your data into neat tables. To add on, you can create visuals that summarize the data because it's much easier to look at pictures than to look at big clusters of numbers.

By learning Excel, you can gain conclusions from data and make decisions that will benefit your business.

Useful skill in the job market


Learning Excel opens the doors to many different opportunities. It is a versatile tool that can be applied to many different kinds of jobs that include but are not limited to accountants, data analysts, and data scientists.

You don't even have to be a complete master in Excel! Just knowing the basics will give you an advantage over many other candidates. And after you learn the basics, you'll likely gain more confidence and get into "the zone" and start learning more advanced functions!

Lays the foundation of learning other skills


If you're aiming for a job such as a data analyst or a data scientist, then Excel is a great starting point not only because it is easy to learn, but also because it teaches you the skills that can be transferred to other more advanced tools such as SQL, Power BI, etc.

In other words, if you wanted to get started somewhere but don't know where to start, start with Excel.


That's it for this post! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a good day!

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